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2023-04-08 13:00:27

Intercessor icon by date of birth

Intercessor icon by date of birth

Icons and prayers Find out who your Guardian Angel and intercessor icon is 1:502 1:507 It turns out that each of us has our own Guardian Angel and our own intercessor icon, which is given from birth. If you don’t yet know who protects and protects you, then our stat

2023-10-24 04:17:13

Love horoscope for Aries for August

Love horoscope for Aries for August

Aries is a Fire sign under the auspices of Mars. The character is imperious, the nature is rich. Representatives of both sexes prefer to lead their other halves and believe that they are always right. This may not be true, but do not dissuade Aries, otherwise you may break his ego

2022-12-19 13:05:20

Birthday in October: who is according to the horoscope, characteristics of people, male and female names

Birthday in October: who is according to the horoscope, characteristics of people, male and female names

Every month of the year is amazing in its own way. Flying cobwebs in the clear air, cold sun and fiery bright nature - all this is a changeable, but such a magnificent October. The zodiac sign that governs earthly life these days also does not differ

2024-02-15 07:46:32

Changes in Zodiac Signs: new horoscope dates Zodiac signs by month and date

Changes in Zodiac Signs: new horoscope dates Zodiac signs by month and date

Nowadays, few people do not believe in the dependence of a person’s character on the zodiac sign by date of birth. Research on this topic has been conducted for several thousand years, and over the years a lot of information has been revealed about the influence of the date of birth on a person’s character and temperament.

2024-01-15 07:47:21

Zodiac signs in the Chinese (Oriental) horoscope by year of birth

Zodiac signs in the Chinese (Oriental) horoscope by year of birth

The alternation of twelve animals and sixty years is what the Chinese horoscope for years represents. Each animal rules for a whole year and during this time the special character and mood of this animal is superimposed. So that your life is harmonious

2023-11-26 07:29:15

Moon in the zodiac signs and its position in the horoscope of a man and a woman - Astro-School

Moon in the zodiac signs and its position in the horoscope of a man and a woman - Astro-School

We already know that the position of the Moon in the horoscope is an important factor. In fact, this horoscope is called a lunar horoscope conditionally, since in fact a person’s lunar horoscope is still the same Western horoscope, only now we are considering the position of not Sol

2023-10-28 05:13:00

Compatibility of zodiac signs by year of birth

Compatibility of zodiac signs by year of birth

A person’s sign is determined not by the day, but by the year of his birth. The Chinese are sure that the astrological compatibility of a couple is the main key to creating a long-term relationship. By the year of birth of your loved one, you can find out how suitable he is for you. In it

2023-10-12 03:53:11

What zodiac sign is November

What zodiac sign is November

On October 24, the Sun enters the constellation Scorpio and “stays” there until November 22. This is a strong fixed sign under the influence of the element of Water. Those born in November in the zodiac sign Scorpio enter life with the appearance of a boxer rising to the top.

2023-10-06 03:23:37

Moon in the zodiac horoscope

Moon in the zodiac horoscope

Everyone knows very well their zodiac sign, which is determined by the position of the Sun relative to the zodiac constellations at the moment of our birth. We are accustomed to reading horoscopes based on this calculation; hundreds of books have been published describing the common traits inherent in people

2023-08-29 01:19:18

How to attract a guy's attention knowing his zodiac sign?

How to attract a guy's attention knowing his zodiac sign?

Many women ask the age-old question of how to attract the attention of the guy they like. To get ahead of other fans and spark a man’s interest, they use a variety of means and methods, go to all sorts of tricks. 5 methods to attract a guy’s attention